The rights of landlords and tenants are clearly stated in the real estate laws of Dubai; therefore, it is crucial for landlords to understand the lawful grounds for the eviction of tenants to prevent the emergence of controversies. Knowing typical grounds for eviction is essential to ensure that the laws are complied with. Also, the landlords are bound by laws on how to deliver eviction notices and the number of days a tenant is allowed to be served with the eviction. With knowledge of the rights and responsibilities of the two parties, landlords can ensure the evictions of tenants in Dubai without compromising the legal rights of the tenants while protecting their properties and fostering reasonable rental relations. Landlords need to be aware of the grounds on which the tenant can be evicted.

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Reasons for Serving Eviction Notices

Below we have mentioned some common reasons for serving eviction notices to tenants:

Tenant does not pay rent on time

A tenant not paying rent on time can be a frustrating, and often common issue for any landlord. The tenant may go months without paying rent, or may consistently delay the payments, thereby missing the due dates that were previously agreed upon. An eviction notice may be served if the landlord has sent a written notification, and the tenant fails to make the payment within 30 days of being served the written notification.

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Tenant causes damage to the property

While some landlords may let go of minor damages, most won’t excuse damages to the extent that costly repairs are needed. Despite being repeatedly warned, a tenant who consistently causes damage to the property can be evicted through a served notice.

The Landlord wishes to occupy the property

It is quite possible that after years of putting up the property on rent, the landlord wishes to stay in the property.

Tenant engages in inappropriate behavior

Landlords often face a hard time when the tenant turns out to be a nuisance, and engages in behavior that is seen as inappropriate by the rest of the community. This can include maintaining poor hygiene, involvement in alcohol or substance abuse, or other activities that are banned in the UAE.

Sublease to another person without the landlord’s consent

Unauthorized renting to a subtenant can be valid grounds for evicting the tenant. In this scenario, the landlord has the right to evict the subtenant as well. Prior consent from the landlord must be sought if the tenant wishes to sublease and make any major modifications to the property, like creating partition rooms or bed spaces.

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What is the Notice Period for Eviction in Dubai?

The notice period for eviction mainly depends on the reason the tenant is being asked to vacate the property. Below are the common notice periods for eviction and the grounds for them:

30-Day Eviction Notice in Dubai

If the tenant has damaged the property, he can be given a 30-day notice to evict the property. However, for this purpose, the landlord may also need a technical report that assesses the damages. Such a report must be attested by the Dubai Municipality. Also, a 30-day eviction notice can be legally sent if the tenant has not adhered to the terms of the tenancy contract, and has in a way misused the property.

12-Month Eviction Notice in Dubai

If the landlord wants to move into the property or wishes to sell it, he/she is obliged to give the tenant a 12-month notice to move out.

How is the Eviction Notice in Dubai Served?

It is mandatory for an eviction notice in Dubai to be given in writing. The notice must be notarized by the Dubai Courts Notary Public and sent to the tenant through a courier. Once the tenant receives the notice, a receipt is obtained as proof that the notice has been indeed delivered to the tenant. It is crucial to note that a notice given verbally, or through a text message is not considered legit in Dubai.


Understanding the legal reasons for tenant eviction and the processes involved is crucial for landlords in Dubai. An eviction notice has to be served carefully, strictly adhering to the format required by the law. Through these legalities, landlords can safeguard their property investments. Accurate management of problems such as failure of the tenant to pay rent, cases of vandalism, or taking up space and subletting it to other parties are all crucial in preserving the legal frameworks in the tenancy contract. Compliance with the laws that govern evictions in Dubai is beneficial for both the landlord and the tenant, thus promoting a healthy and adequate relationship between the two parties.